Michael and Kayla founded Whink’s with one simple purpose: to document a frankly insatiable appetite for all things caffeinated. What started as a sort of glorified photo journal grew into something much more when Whink’s started their humble home roasting operation on a stovetop popcorn maker they stumbled across at the local thrift store. Their passion for coffee roasting grew quickly, and they eagerly jumped at any opportunity to learn more about the craft. The rest, as they say, is history. Whink’s continues in that relentless pursuit of coffee excellence, learning and growing as roasters every step of the way.

Michael and Kayla have traveled the world, visiting coffee shops throughout Europe, the Middle East, and North and South America and are routinely struck by the ability of coffee to bring people together. It is a beverage rooted in tradition, from its humble beginnings in Ethiopia to the global phenomena that exists today, coffee exists in lockstep with the human experience. Whink’s is delighted to play a role, however small, in embracing that tradition.

